
For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve...

Mark 10:45

Finding a way to offer your time and talents to serve others is important for all believers, and there are endless opportunities for service at New Covenant. We encourage all who are in fellowship with us to participate!  

Volunteer Opportunities

  • Music Ministry - our choir practices each Wednesday at 7pm
  • Quilt Ministry (meets each Tuesday at 9:30am)
  • United Methodist Friends (a local network that provides outreach to local families in need)
  • Home Repair Ministry (organized by our Men's Group)
  • Children's Ministry (requires background check)
  • Homeless Ministry
  • Food preparation (for fellowship, bereavement, or other large-group settings)
  • Grounds maintenance

Serve in our church

Use your unique gifts to help build the Kingdom.

Volunteer FAQ

How do I volunteer?

When you fill out a contact form, it helps us know your interests! Our leadership team will get back to you about ways you can help!

How do I volunteer with kids?

Children and youth volunteers are asked to complete a background form, and to participate in Safe Sanctuaries training. We often have needs for volunteers in our children's ministries, especially for our bigger events, including VBS and Fall Festival!

How do I volunteer with music?

Our choir practices each Wednesday night at 7pm, and everyone is welcome! Our praise team practices on Thursdays at 7pm and is happy to talk to newcomers about how they can plug in!

How do I volunteer with home repair?

Our church frequently takes on home repair projects for needy local families! We welcome anyone who feels comfortable with physical labor! Sometimes the most important aspect of this ministry is the ability to encourage others--so every skill level is welcome! 

Questions about volunteering?

We encourage all to use their talents to build the kingdom of God through service! Please reach out if you still have questions.

  1. https://www.sangomahealing.com/
  2. https://www.saysoinc.org/
  3. https://www.etcgreen.com/
  4. https://www.dfwgaelicleague.com/
  5. https://www.harbourtonfoundation.org/
  6. https://newcovenantumc.org/
  7. https://clairemarieleguay.com/
  8. https://islamiccouncilofoklahoma.org/
  9. https://ctamaine.org/
  10. https://mccabechapelumc.org/
  11. https://voneinspired.com/
  12. https://www.talkforlife.org/
  13. https://wlathletics.org/
  14. https://www.buyartjewels.com/
  15. https://canaw.org/
  16. pintarbersamamedan.org
  17. https://pintarbersamamanado.org
  18. https://pintarbersamasorong.org/dana
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