Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
New Covenant Church invites families and children to join us for worship, study, and fellowship! We offer Children's Church and Sunday School learning opportunities each Sunday, as well as children's events throughout the year to help families grow closer to Christ. Traditional annual events include our Easter Egg Hunt, VBS, Fall Festival, and Breakfast with Mary & Joseph. We also welcome families to a variety of additional events, including game nights, Parents' Night Out, cookouts, and other opportunities for fellowship and recreation!

Sunday Mornings
10:30 am
On Sunday mornings, children are invited to join us for Children's Church during the second half of the worship service. Each week we offer a memory verse, story, and songs.
We offer Sunday School for children of all ages each week; each year we guide our young students through the story of the gospel, providing a foundation for spiritual growth. (Children's classes meet in the education wing of the main building.)