United Methodist Youth
4:30 Junior High Youth
6:00 Senior High Youth
7:00 Sr. High Bible
Study (8th grade and up)
7:00 Jr. High Bible Study
(6th and 7th grades)
The Youth of New Covenant UMC
We are a small group that has experienced
some tremendous growth within the past
year--in spirituality, in numbers, and in
fellowship. What started out as one small core
group meeting back in 2002 has become a
Junior and Senior High ministry that includes
fun and games, prayer meetings, Youth
worship, and Bible Study.

God has truly blessed us with many
opportunities to walk down the road of faith as
one group, and a committed and dedicated team
of parents and volunteers who help ensure that
this ministry remains a strong part of New
Covenant's mission.

If you're new to the area, visiting, or looking for
a church family to be a part of, please do not
hesitate to drop by sometime.

Derek Tang,
                                       Youth Minister
(clockwise from top):
Erin and Rachel in the basement of one of the
houses they helped to clean in Logan.

Cameron and T.C. showing some great
teamwork on a painting job.

Bobby, Christen, and Johnathon cleaning up.
Check out more Youth
The Senior High group is
currently using the Highway
Video curriculum. Click on
the pictures below for a
brief overview of the series.
Meanwhile, the Junior High group is
using the "Talksheets" series. These
are discussion-based studies that
cover a  different topic of interest
for the young people each week.
(clockwise from top):
Katie and her pet frog Snickers at the Junior
High pool party

Heads up!

Looks like Drew's about to lose this Chicken

  1. https://www.sangomahealing.com/
  2. https://www.saysoinc.org/
  3. https://www.etcgreen.com/
  4. https://www.dfwgaelicleague.com/
  5. https://www.harbourtonfoundation.org/
  6. https://newcovenantumc.org/
  7. https://clairemarieleguay.com/
  8. https://islamiccouncilofoklahoma.org/
  9. https://ctamaine.org/
  10. https://mccabechapelumc.org/
  11. https://voneinspired.com/
  12. https://www.talkforlife.org/
  13. https://wlathletics.org/
  14. https://www.buyartjewels.com/
  15. https://canaw.org/
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