selections from August 1999 |
Sermon Notes Its Not Much, But Its Enough Matthew 14:13-21 What experiences in your life point to God providing much with a little? Why does Jesus want to be alone? How much would 5 loaves and 2 fish feed? Why 12 Baskets? Some examples of God taking a little and it being enough: Sermon
Notes Oh What a Family! Genesis 37:1-4, 12-28 What is your family like? How does Josephs story speak to us today? What is the larger plot line? How are we a family? Sermon
Notes When Dreams Come True Genesis 45:1-15 What dreams do you have for your life? Recount the Joseph Story What is our dream responsibility as the people of God? What is my dream responsibility as pastor? Sermon
Notes A Transition in Power Exodus 1:8-2:10 Do you remember a time when you were in transition? Recount the Moses Story What kind of power do we wield as individuals? The Church? What does the Churchs power look like? |